The story: Four kids with...unusual..talents live at Dumfrey's Dime Museum, in among the oddities of nature and alongside a bearded lady, a giant named Hugo, and the World's Fattest Lady. Max can throw knives; Sam is immensely strong; Thomas is a contortionist, and Pippa can read minds (sort of). When the museum's shrunken head is stolen, and a murder threatens to shut the museum down--and even worse, land Mr. Dumfrey in jail!--the kids have to use their abilities to go up against the cops, the reporters, and the gawkers. Can they do it? Bet against them, and you may find yourself pinned to the wall with a knife!
June Cleaver's ratings: Language G; Violence PG; Sexual content G; Nudity G; Substance abuse PG; Magic & the occult PG; GLBT content G; adult themes (murder) PG; overall rating PG.
Liz's comments: The author of the "Pandemonium" books goes in a different direction with this latest series. A fun, fast-moving mystery story with a sequel due out shortly.
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