The story: A group of teenage misfits and criminals is hired to kidnap a scientist whose drug could change the way magic is performed by the Grisha--making them almost impossible to stop, but also quickly killing them in the process. But the payout will be high, and luckily, Kaz is a master at criminal proceedings, and at getting and holding together his ragtag group of crooks. But everyone in the group has their own private agendas, and busting Bo Yul-Bayur out of an impenetrable Fjerdan jail may prove to be the ruin of them all.
June Cleaver's ratings: Language PG; Violence R; Sexual content PG-13; Nudity PG; Substance abuse PG-13; Magic & the occult R; GLBT content PG; adult themes (magic used to enslave and subjugate; slavery) PG-13; overall rating R.
Liz's comments: It's hard to know where to place this one. Really good 8th grade readers will be fine with it, but it's probably better for older readers because of its complexity. Additionally, while a good reader will be able to do fine with the story without having read Bardugo's Grisha Trilogy (starting with "Shadow and Bone") they'll get a whole new level of appreciation for this story if they invest in the other ones first.
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