The story: When Emily and James stumble onto a clue for the newest Garrison Griswold Book Scavenger game, they're ready to play. What they don't realize is that someone else is looking for the clue too--the same person who left Mr. Griswold for dead in a subway station. Now the two have to solve a series of riddles and coded ciphers to win the game and catch the bad guys...and if they don't, the bad guys will catch them first. Game over.
June Cleaver's ratings: Language G; Violence PG; Sexual content G; Nudity G; substance abuse PG; magic & the occult G; GLBT content G; adult themes G; overall rating G.
Liz's comments: This was a very fun story for upper ES to 7th grade--comparable to Blue Balliett's "Chasing Vermeer", but actually even a little more accessible to kids.
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