Wednesday, January 6, 2016

FISH IN A TREE, by Linda Mullaly Hunt

The story: To Ally, reading has always felt like as heavy a chore as dragging a cement block by a chain around her neck. She's felt that because it was so easy for others, it must prove she's dumb. She isolates herself, drawing in her notebook of Impossible Things, until a new teacher figures out her problem (dyslexia). Will Ally be able to figure out how to make those letters stop jumping around, how to make the mean kids stop being SO mean, and how to make friends for the very first time?

June Cleaver's ratings:
Language PG; Violence G; Sexual content G; Nudity G; Substance abuse G; Magic & the occult G; GLBT content G; adult themes G; overall rating G.

Liz's comments: I liked this story, although it always seems amazing that any kid nowadays (even on e who moves around constantly) could have the bad luck to have gone all the way through grade school and not been identified as having a learning disability.

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