The story: Magnolia and Ford meet as contestants on a TV reality show, where everything's totally fake except the attraction they feel for each other. Both of them are trying to re-invent themselves and move past where they've come from...but how can you do that when everyone in the country is watching your every move?
June Cleavers ratings: Language PG-13; Violence PG; Sexual content PG-13; Nudity PG-13 (shirts-off making-out scene but no on-page sex); Substance abuse PG-13; Magic and the occult G; GLBT content PG; adult themes (overbearing parent; family criminal behavior) PG; overall rating PG-13.
Liz's comments: This was a fun, lightweight read that managed to explore the characters' need to change their lives while still staying true to themselves (something you may not not expect from just any romance novel you pick up!) Told in clear alternating voices, this will appeal to both MS and HS readers looking for a hero and a heroine to root for.
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