Friday, December 11, 2015

FAIREST, by Marissa Meyer

The story: If you've read the "Lunar Chronicles" series, you'll have wondered at least once how Queen Levana got to be so evil. This is Levana's story, and it gives a whole new meaning to the title Wicked Queen.

June Cleaver's ratings: Language PG; Violence PG-13; Sexual content PG-13; Nudity PG; substance abuse PG; Magic & the occult PG-13; LGBT content G; adult themes (murder, political corruption) PG-13; overall rating PG-13.

Liz's comments: I'm a big fan of the Lunar Chronicles, but I found this book pretty dark. It does contribute a few important pieces of information about the rest of the series, but it isn't entirely necessary to read this one in order to figure out the last book in the series, "Winter". There's quite a bit of sexual content, although it's not graphic (mostly implied) but still, it's a recurrent theme.

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