Wednesday, January 8, 2014

STEELHEART, by Brandon Sanderson

The story: David has spent his life seeking revenge against Steelheart, the Epic (a being with super-human powers) who murdered his father. The teen has the knowledge to infiltrate The Reckoners, a top-secret group whose agenda has only one item: overthrow Steelheart and any other Epic they can find. Although their agendas are the same, each member of the team has secrets--secrets that make them stronger individually, but which could lead to the defeat of everything they're working for. But David has crucial information no other Reckoner has ever known: he's seen Steelheart bleed. He knows the Epic can be brought down somehow, and David wants in.

June Cleaver's Book Review Ratings: Language: PG; “Nudity”: G; Sexual Content: G; Violence: R; Magic and the occult: PG; GLBT content: G; Adult themes: PG; Overall rating: PG-13.

Liz's comments: Another really awesome YA story from Brandon Sanderson (check out THE RITHMATIST as well). For a complete annotation, look for Liz Friend on and requst to be my friend.

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