Friday, September 29, 2017

INVISIBLE EMMIE, by Terri Libenson

The story: Here's the tale of of two totally different girls—quiet, shy, artistic Emmie; popular, outgoing, athletic Katie—and how their lives unexpectedly intersect one day, when an embarrassing note falls into the wrong hands.

June Cleaver's ratings:
Language G; Violence G; Sexual content G; Nudity G; Substance abuse G; Magic & the occult G; GLBT content G; Adult themes (social awkwardness) G; overall rating G.

Liz's comments:
What a cute story! It combines text and lots of graphic-novel-style illustrations to form a hybrid that any shy/unpopular girl would appreciate. Plus, there's a fun twist at the end that makes you want to go back and read it again. No worries...that only takes about half an hour. ;)

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