The story: Honorine is an orphaned housemaid at the Vidalia estate until the night that thieves break in and she escapes their clutches only to find herself swept off on an adventure. She's rescued by a mysterious being and becomes a traveler on the Carina--a steampunkish airship piloted by the Mapmaker. He's on a mission to keep the Mordants (living embodiments of the constellations) from being captured by Nautilus Olypant. Little does Honorine know that in reality, the success of his mission depends upon her, and upon the fact that she too is a Mordant...
June Cleaver's ratings: Language G; violence PG, Sexual content G; Nudity G; Substance abuse PG; Magic & the occult PG; GLBT content G; adult themes G; overall rating PG.
Liz's comments: I did like this, except that it seemed too long in parts and didn't seem to go anywhere some of the time. Also, Olyphant's reasons for capturing and holding the Mordant prisoner don't seem to have much to do with his ultimate goal of finding Andromeda. It could easily lead to a sequel. Give it to girls who like magic, machines, and a smart heroine.
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