Monday, January 23, 2017

ME & MIRANDA MULALLY, by Jake Gerhardt

The story: Sam (the class clown), Duke (the self-appointed intellectual) and Chollie (the jock) all fall in love with the same girl (Miranda Mullaly) on the same day. Now the competition is on--who will be the one to win her heart? Everyone's plans go every which way but right, and it'll take more than just a bit of serendipity for any of them to come out on top. May the best man win!

June Cleaver's ratings: Language PG; Violence G; Sexual content G; Nudity G; Substance abuse G; Magic & the occult G; GLBT content G; adult themes (disrespect to adults; plans for revenge; lying) PG; overall rating PG.

Liz's comments: It's not very often that the story of a middle-school crush is written from the guys' point of view. This frothy, fun novel is pretty short on character development...but no boy in his right mind cares about that, anyway. I made me laugh out loud in parts, and I'm always a fan of that. Hand it to the same crowd that enjoys Tommy Greenwald's Charlie Joe Jackson books.

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