Monday, August 22, 2016

THE BIG DARK, by Rodman Philbrick

The story: Everyone in town is out watching the aurora borealis on New Year's Eve when a massive solar event causes power failures everywhere--and this time, the power never comes back on. A crazy survivalist tries to rule the town, food and firewood run short...and Charlie's mom is about to run out of medicine. Charlie hatches a daring plan to cross-country sky to the nearest town to find help. Will he make it? And will there by any help to be found?

June Cleaver's ratings: Language G; Violence PG; Sexual content G; Nudity G; Substance abuse G; Magic & the occult G; GLBT content G; adult themes (survivalists turned dictator; death related to natural disaster) PG; overall rating PG.

Liz's comments: An interesting boy-against-nature story that might encourage a wide variety of readers to store a little food and fuel in the pantry just in case the lights go out!

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