Wednesday, June 15, 2016

FACELESS, by Alyssa B. Sheinmel

The story: Maisie expected to be going to prom--not to end up in the hospital when burns from a freak fire destroy most of the lower half of her face. When the chance to have a full face transplant becomes available, she moves forward with it, but she never expected how difficult it would be to live in someone else's skin---literally. Everyone's looking at her; she even feels like a freak to herself. How can she ever hope to move back to living a normal life?

June Cleaver's ratings: Language PG; Violence G; Sexual content PG; Nudity G; Substance abuse PG; Magic & the occult G; GLBT content G; adult themes (life-changing injury, parental discord; people's responses to physical handicaps) PG-13; overall rating PG-13.

Liz's comments: Although the subject matter was interesting, I found I kept wishing the story would end here...or HERE. It just kept going. However, girls who like to immerse themselves in other people's difficulties will enjoy this one. It's not a book for junior readers, though--give it to good 8th grade readers and up.

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