Monday, September 8, 2014

A CORNER OF WHITE, by Jaclyn Moriarty

The story: Madeleine and Elliot live in different worlds--literally. She lives in England; he lives in an alternative dimension in a place called the Kingdom of Cello. The two worlds are connected by a a parking meter. Madeleine starts out disbelieving that anything Elliot says about his world is true--but ends up believing he can save her mother's life. The only problem--will he be able to do it in time?

June Cleaver's ratings: Language PG-13; Violence PG; Sexual Content PG; Nudity, G; substance abuse PG; magic and the occult PG-13; GLBT content G; adult themes (parents with terminal illness and substance abuse issues; kidnapping) PG; overall rating PG-13. Note: this rating is based on the overall difficulty of getting drawn into the story, and not on any of the usual categories.

Liz's comments: I ended up really liking this story, but I think there are very few middle school girls who will have the patience to stick with it to the place where it gets interesting. There's also the added disadvantage of "English speak"--the British way of putting things that can be confusing for the less-savvy American reader. This one is for girls only, and even then, it's for patient readers who don't mind waiting a while to figure out what's going on.

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