Wednesday, August 27, 2014

THE CHAOS OF STARS, by Kiersten White

The story: Isadora is the mortal daughter of Osiris and Isis, ancient Egyptian gods of great power. So why does life in Egypt stink? Turns out that even immortals have trouble with their teens. When her parents unexpectedly send her to visit her brother in southern California, things start to look up--especially when Isadora meets oh-so-hunky Ry (aka Orion). What could go wrong? Oh wait…except the part where her half-brother Anubis is planning to overthrow the world of the dead, including Osiris…

June Cleaver's rating: language PG; violence PG; sexual content PG; nudity PG; substance abuse PG; magic and the occult PG-13; GLBT content G; adult themes (mythological seduction) PG; overall rating PG.

Liz's comments: This was a fluffy story that eventually ended, and thankfully there doesn't seem to be a need for a sequel. I found Isadora's rather over-the-top anger toward her mother (for what to me was a "deal with it" issue) tiresome after a while; and the eventual reveal of Ry as also the son of Greek gods was not in any way a surprise. Additionally, it was really hard to suspend disbelief of her turning darling-and-sincere Ry down time after time (I don't even think MS girls will buy into that, because the author does a pretty good job of making him seem perfect). Girls looking for a high-school romance with no demands on the part of the reader will find a fit here.

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